First day I got there me and my dad went to get our hair cut. This is before.

This is after. I probably should have cut it shorter but at least it looks less wild.

There so much more graffiti on Oahu, this wall was super sick.

Read through my Juxtapoz and found this. The whole thing is made of cereal.

On the second day me and Joseph skated Makiki park. Hadn't skated that since I was like 14 or some shit. Joseph rented a moped, so lucky.

Dvds I brought over to keep myself from becoming bored. I ended up only watching Bag of Suck. I still haven't watched Miller's Crossing but I found it for 6 bucks at Suncoast so I couldn't pass that up.

On the plane ride back I asked for water for once and they gave me this. Jungle Rain, I really liked the name.

Looked through my Michael Seiben book on the plane. Since I didn't have an ipod and get sick from reading on flights, looking through this art book was perfs.

Seen this gross ass jar containing a dead snake at the airport.

Moke Life!